◾How do I apply serum?

Using the applicator brush, follow these simple steps for optimal results: Frequency: Apply Lolli Lash and Brow Serum 1-2 times per day for the first 6-12 weeks to encourage the fastest and most noticeable results. Eyelashes and Brows: Use the applicator brush to apply directly to the base of your eyelashes and/or over your eyebrows against the growth. Desired Results: Once you achieve your desired results, typically within 6-12 weeks, adjust the frequency to once or twice a week to maintain your long, luscious lashes and beautifully defined brows. Important Tips: For best results, apply every night directly to the skin of the upper eyelid at the base of the eyelashes. If there is any excess solution beyond the eyelid margin, simply blot it clean. Additional applications of the serum will not increase eyelash or brow growth. Don't forget to include your eyebrows for a comprehensive enhancement.

What will happen if I stop using it?

It's important to note that if you discontinue the use of the serum, your long and thick lashes that have already developed will remain until they naturally fall out in your lash cycle. However, without ongoing application, your new lashes may gradually return to your normal length and thickness over time. To maintain the enhanced look, we advise incorporating Lolli Lash and Brow Serum into your beauty routine consistently.

How often should I apply it?

Consistency is key for optimal results. We recommend applying Lolli Lash and Brow Serum regularly as part of your daily routine. For the initial phase, we suggest using the serum 1-2 times per day to encourage the fastest and most noticeable results.

◾How long does Serum last?

Applying the serum 1-2 times per day (recommended twice daily for optimal results), Lolli Lash and Brow Serum is expected to last approximately 10 months or longer. If you're also using it on eyebrows, please consider that this will affect the duration.

◾Can I use it for pregnancy or breastfeeding?

Applying the serum 1-2 times per day As Lolli Lash and Brow Serum has not undergone specific testing for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, we prioritize safety. To err on the side of caution, we recommend refraining from using the serum during these periods. Your well-being and peace of mind are our utmost priority.

◾When will I see results?

The timeframe for experiencing results with Lolli Lash and Brow Serum may vary based on your individual lash cycle. While some users notice a difference as early as two weeks, the majority typically witness more significant changes from 4 weeks onwards. It's important to note that the transformation time varies. If you don't observe the expected results between 2-4 weeks, don't be disheartened; consistency is key. We encourage you to stay committed and give it the full 8 weeks to witness the full impact.